So you signed up for a Zoom yoga class…

Welcome and Congratulations on taking the big step to join a Zoom yoga class. To make things a little easier, here are some tips and ideas for how to have a successful class.

Tip # 1: Try having a zoom call with a friend before you start your class. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the options available. Apple, Android, and PC products have slightly different locations for the Zoom options you might want to use. See if you can find your camera or video settings, your microphone settings, and your mute/unmute option. These are the settings most often used on the student end of Zoom. Also, knowing where your chat option is can help you to communicate with your teacher if you can’t be heard.

Tip #2: Try using your camera to see what your teacher will see when your camera is on. You can set up your space so that you can see your mat, know how close or far you will need to be to be seen when standing, sitting, or laying on the floor, and know what angle your camera will need to be to provide the right view of your space.

Tip #3: Check your lighting. A light in front of you is better than behind you. You may need to close blinds or drapes to prevent glare.

Tip #4: Check the colour of your clothing. Dark colours will blend into dark backgrounds. Light colours blend into light backgrounds. You want some contrast if possible. Clothing is often easier to adapt than the furniture or the lighting.

January 2, 2021

Paula Carnegie Fehr

Health and wellness for body, mind, heart & soul since 1997. Paula is a dedicated student and practitioner of many wellness modalities and continues to add to her skillset.

Scent and Scentsibility


Teachers I’ve Known and Respectfully Loved